Winking Cat Candy Container Sets Record Price at Auction
The Old Barn Auction house, in Findlay Ohio, holds regular Candy Container auctions.
In a past auction, the top seller was a rare Winking Cat with original paint, and it sold for $8250.00 -- wow! I'd say the price is because of scarcity, condition, of course, but also because of THEME - it has the candy container and toy factor, as well as the Halloween and Cat cross-over collectibility factor.
You can still see realized prices for that Old Barn Candy Container auction catalog online.
There are several bunny containers I would love to get some day, to add to my Easter collection. Here's my wish-list pic.
If you want to know more about collecting vintage glass candy containers, go to the Candy Containers Collectors of America great website. Lots of pix and info, and even pix of repros so you know what to watch out for.
And to learn even more, see lots more pix, and track eBay auctions and prices for Candy Containers, be sure to go to Collector's Weekly's Candy Container page -- you can also subscribe to their Candy Container newlsetter. Here's an idea of what their page looks like.
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So You Want to Collect Vintage Glass Candy Containers?

Please visit my online shop, Delightfully Vintage Stuff -- you'll find Fine Antiques and Fun Collectibles. These vintage treasures are from my many & varied collections, now for sale.