Susie Cooper had a long successful career, and her works are still greatly admired, desired, and collected.
Here's a biography article about Susie Cooper from a wonderful website devoted to her and her designs, The Susie Cooper Information Site.
"... Susie Cooper was one of the United Kingdom's most prolific and successful ceramic designers. Her career spanned over seven decades and encompassed some of the iconic periods of the Twentieth Century. "
The site covers many aspects: her career, her designs, and collecting her wares, and much more, including showing some of her marks, and lots of photos.
Check out the photo galleries for close ups of these Susie Cooper items.
The site also links to several more articles about Susie Cooper.
Here are some pix from one of the other articles:< Elegance with Utility The work of Susie Cooper (1902-1995) by Andrew Casey.
A Google Search for Susie Cooper Pottery turns up many other interesting sites.

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