'Tique Talk ~ About Antique Collecting ~ by Marianne Dow

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Come to the Dull Family Reunion - for real! 1913 Lima Ohio Vintage Postcard

Here's a postcard inviting us to the Dull Family Reunion. At first I thought it was a novelty card, especially as it looked like I.M. Dull was the president (see upper left edge), but I was mistaken. It's J.M. Dull, and there really was a Dull family in Ohio.

[Insert your own jokes here -- no offense intended to anyone named Dull, or from the town of Dull (which really exists in Ohio, and in Scotland) -- I'm sure they've heard them all!]

The 1913 postcard pictures the family patriarch of this Dull-family branch, one Peter Dull.

Dull Family Reunion - dated Aug. 26, 1915 [Source]

  • Peter Dull was born June 4, 1800, died April 7, 1888.
One of the early settlers of the county was born in 
Pennsylvania, June 4, 1800 and moved to this county in 1840.  In 1824, he married Catherine Schlater of Fayette County, 
Pennsylvania. She was born September 30, 1804 and died October 8, 1882. They are buried in Ridge Cemetery, Route 81about 3miles west of Highway 118, Liberty Township, Mercer County, Ohio.  

  •  "History of Northeast Indiana : LaGrange, Steuben, Noble and DeKalb Counties" [link] has this info:

Charles H. Dull was born in Washington Township of 
Noble County. July 5, 1867, a son of Peter and Mary 
(Moore) Dull. His parents were natives of Ohio
and their respective families came at an early day 
ajid settled in Washington Township of Noble 
County, where Peter and Mary were married. They 
were farmers of Noble County for a number of 
years, and finally died at the home of their son 
Charles in Sparta Township


Here's a report of the Dull Family Reunion of 1885, filed by Jacob Wyandt, who is named as Sec'y. on the 1913 invitation.

Convoy, Ohio
August 24, 1885
Editor Bulletin: 

Please grant us a small space in your very excellent paper for a report of a family reunion of the Dull family, which took place at the residence of Elias Dull in Willshire Township.  
Early in the morning, the brothers and sisters, children and grandchildren all with well filled baskets, began to assemble in buggies and on foot until the number of relatives had swelled to about 85 persons.
During all this time, hand shaking and friendly greetings were indulged in by the friends who had been separated five, ten, twenty and even some forty years, and still others who on that day had first met. 
The last time the brothers and sisters had all met together at one time was October, 1834, nearly fifty-one years ago. At this meeting there were eleven of them present. Two of whom since died vez. John Dull died in August, 1849, with that dreadful disease cholera, two of his sons died at the same time.  Anna Maria Schlater, wife of Henry Schlater, the oldest sister who lived in Davis Co., Indiana, died in the year 1882, 80 yrs. old, she having emigrated to that county, when it was still a wilderness. 
The meeting above referred to was at the sale of the personal estate of their parents, shortly after their deaths, they having both died in September, 1834 with the cholera--nearly the whole family had it at that time.
It was then remarked by an old gentleman present, that in all probability that would be the last time they would ever meet as a family.  But now after a lapse of over half a century, nine of the eleven have met at the residence of the younger brother, and several hundred miles from the place of the last meeting above referred to. 
The following are those who still survive: 
  Peter Dull, born June 4, 1800
Joseph Dull, born February 19, 1804
Mrs. Phoebe Schlater, born March 7, 1806
Mrs. Elizabeth Wyandt, born June 4, 1813
Lenhart Dull, born August 11, 1815
Jacob Dull, born May 1, 1817
Mrs. Hannah Agler, born May 11, 1819
Elias Dull, born February 3, 1822
Mrs. Catherine Brubaker, born December 27, 1824 
The two which are not living are:
John Dull, born January 15, 1808, died August 28, 1849
Anna Maria, oldest sister, born March 1, 1802, died in 1882 at age of 80 yrs.
Their total aggregating 648 years, or an average of 72 years. The eldest being past eighty-five and the youngest nearly sixty-one years of age.  They are all enjoying very good health, taking into consideration their age and the privations which they have endured, most of them having settled in this country from forty to forty-seven years ago, and have therefore endured the privations and hardship of a pioneer life.   
They were all born in Summerset Co., Pennsylvania, except Elias and Catherine who were born in Fayette Co., Pennsylvania.
John and Hannah Lenhard Dull moved to Stark Co., Ohio with their children in the year 1832 and it was in that county where they both died of cholera two years later. 
Peter Dull came to Mercer Co., Ohio about forty-five years ago [1840] and still makes his home on the old homestead with his youngest daughter. His wife died about two years ago.   
Joseph Dull moved to Licking Co., Ohio about two years ago when he sold his farm there and went back to Stark Co., Ohio and is living with his youngest daughter, Mrs. Phebe Schlater who came with her husband, John Schlater, brother to Henry Schlater, to this county in 1838.  Jacob Dull came with them.  Mr. Schlater died about thirty-eight years ago.  Mrs. Schlater is still living in Van Wert with her daughter Mrs. R. Conn. 
Mrs. Elizabeth Wyandt came to this county in 1839 with her husband, Simon Wyandt.  She still owns the old homestead in Harrison Township on which they first settled, but lives in Convoy, Ohio. Her husband died in 1859.   
Lenhart and Elias Dull came to this county about forty-three years ago, and both have good homes in Willshire Township, Ohio.
Jacob Dull and Hannah Agler also reside in Willshire Township.

Catherine Brubaker resides with her husband, Peter Brubaker in Liberty Township.  She came to this county in 1839.   
The descendents of the nine brothers and sisters are ninety children, two hundred and sixty-seven grandchildren and fifty-eight great grandchildren.  Of these, twenty-five children, thirty-three grandchildren and five great grandchildren are dead.  
A sumptuous dinner was prepared for all present, but an extra table was spread for the nine brothers and sisters and they all partook of their dinner at the same table.
An artist who had been employed to take a picture of the family was there, and each one went away with a picture of the family group which will be ever cherished by them as a great treasure.  
The Dulls are a long lived family, but it is not at all probable that they will ever all meet again.
John Hurraw, a cousin from Stark Co. was also present with them.  
The reunion throughout was one of the most enjoyable occasions we have ever been privileged to attend. All present did everything in their power to make it pleasant for all of them. The day was spent in pleasant conversation and having an agreeable time, the occasion will long be remembered by those who participated in the reunion. In the evening they bade each other a sad farewell and departed to their several homes, some of them in all probability parting, never to meet again.  We doubt whether another such family can be found in the state where so many are still alive, and have attained so great an age.   
Signed by
Jacob Wyandt
[Source: "The Dull Family" Prepared by Gordon Dull -- on David Dull's website.]

Research turned up many genealogy history and Ohio county history mentions of the Dull family -- search link.

Also, All Public Member Photos & Scanned Documents results for Peter Dull on ancestry.co.uk

Related? -- The Dull Family Tree


Note: These items are part of my ''Collecting Lima Virtual Museum''. They are not for sale.

If/when I find more information on these items, I will add it to the post.

Read the Introduction to Collecting Lima Virtual Museum Project ~ My Lima Ohio Bottles, Advertising, Antiques

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