Thought I'd share this interesting item I
It was this Palmer Cox Brownie Character Head Tobacco Jar Humidor
- So interesting --sharp strong features -- from a great mold -- does justice to Palmer Cox's Brownie character.
- Unusual piece -- I guess you'd call it chalk ware -- if you rub the inside a little white does come off on your hand. But the top of his hat seems to be glazed - not cold paint.
- No makers mark or number -- approx. 6" tall
- Sorry, I didn't note the sold price, but I think it was around $50 -- and I also think it should have gone for more, but it didn't. C'est la vie.

Palmer Cox's little Brownie characters have always been favorites of mine. Here's a little history on the little guys...
The excellent toonopedia site says:
- Original Medium: Magazine stories and cartoons
- Appearing in: Wide Awake magazine
- First Appeared: 1879, or 1881
- Creator: Palmer Cox
- The Palmer Cox page on wikipedia
- The Brownie Empire of Palmer Cox article on the Winterthur Museum's website.
- I'm sure you've seen their images on advertising for Kodak Brownie cameras.
- See a museum-worthy collection of Brownie items on this pinterest board -- wow! Here's a screen shot:

The assorted images (above) are from antique advertising tradecards, cigar labels, and bowling pin toys, as well as google image search screen shots (below). And these are just a miniscule drop in a huge bucket -- the Brownies were really popular, and well merchandised.
Aren't they cute?! Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
And of course there were lots of BOOKS!
And toys, games, dolls, figurines, dishes and tea sets, and... well, so much more. Just start googling, and enjoy!