What do these duos have in common?
- Mad Magazine and Kool Aid
- Weird Science Magazine and Alka Seltzer
- Batman Comics and bobby pins
- Captain Marvel and Tootsie Rolls candy
- Green Lantern and the Pillsbury Dough Boy
- Golden Lad and Pepsi
The artists that drew some classic comic books and characters also did some iconic advertising art.
According to Steven Brower's article, following the 1954 congressional hearings on juvenile delinquency and comic books, the industry tightened, and many artists lost their comic book gigs, and turned to the glamorous well-paying Mad-Men-era of advertising.
If you like comic book art and/or graphic design, read the article, which includes lots of info and photos: http://imprint.printmag.com/illustration/the-advertising-power-of-comic-book-artists/