Well, word is out that the York EXPO Bottle Show was AWESOME! Congrats to show chairpeoples, the Lowrys, and all the folks who worked so hard put it together.
Ball jar nut, and friend, Bruce Schank has written about the show, and put up lots of pix, so check out Bruce's Jar Page on Collectors Weekly. Read about his adventures at the York Show -- his excitement is infectious. He photographed all of the amazing displays. I wish I'd have been there, but thanks, Bruce, for sharing some of your report here:
"If there is one thing I found out at York, it's my Collection is that of a Novice and I'm Not kidding. The incredible jars on display were mind boggling. Phil Alvarez displayed only 45 jars from his collection that combined are worth a small fortune. I could retire on them. After seeing what the Best actually have in their collections all I can say is the following jars I picked up @York are just plain ordinary run of the mill filler jars. I guess I'll just have to survive bottom feeding."
Just look at this Mason's 1858 Fruit Jars display by Jim Sears and Joe Merkel, as just one example. Bruce has many more display pix on his page. They'll either break your heart, or inspire you to get out on the hunt!
But wait - there's more: Read what some York Expo show attendees wrote on the comment thread about the York Show on the Ball Jar Collector Communtiy site.

Thanks again Bruce.
My thoughts: When I see great displays, or magazine or book articles about a fabulous collection, with pristine, rare, awesome items, I get so depressed. My "accumulation" of treasures is definitely "novice" level. I always think, what's the point, all the good stuff's been acquired already, or is priced too high for me... But then I look around my home, and I see a few gems.
I think that I need to:
- A) Keep learning, so that I can,
- B) Acquire better pieces, and
- C) EDIT, edit, edit!